“I am who I am because of who we all are”
"We The People" is an action packed group of Africans and Afro-descendants who are determined to implement the blueprint of the Next Africa as described in the African Manifesto. We The People do not keep the one we consider our brother in any kind of thing that is or feels like a bondage upon him, even though it would’ve brought satisfaction, greater power or economic reward to us. We consider brother or sister anyone who walks by this creed.
Because we dedicate most of our time testing and implementing Community Development-based projects defined by our vision as described in the African Manifesto, we would rather define ourselves as a Lab Tank than a think tank.
Each alveolus represents an autonomous district with its own power grid, administrative hub, Wi-Fi network, school system, hospitals, industrial center, protected zone, farming network, distribution centers, and so forth.
The African Manifesto is the blueprint for the Next Africa. The aftermath of a Revolution without a clear blueprint is extremely ineffective and oftentimes the cause of problems worse than the regime we previously complained about.
- Many countries in Africa during the Arab Spring are still struggling decades after ousting their government.
- A good percentage of Africans are fully aware of the different forces that plague Africa, maintaining the continent into a lethargic state.
- Without a clear set of policies and a well-drafted blueprint, Africa is going to turn in a circle and be intellectually fed with a growing number of social activism and individualistic egos that claim our attention day after day.
The African Manifesto is solving all these issues and preparing the Next Africa for a true Revolution.